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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Local tourist information and events.
WNMU Fiesta Latina! is a cultural event organized by Western New Mexico University that seeks to recognize, celebrate and assist in the preservation of New Mexico's connection with its Mexican heritage, customs and traditions. The four-day outdoor festival on the beautiful Silver City campus features a juried artisan mercado, with the traditional folk art of more than 50 artisans from throughout Mexico. Latin music and dance performances, food and drink, traditional children's activities, crafting workshops and demonstrations. See pdf below
Silver City -- Saturday, May 18, marks the second annual Burlesque Baseball game, at least in this century, and the Silver City Museum Society promises an afternoon of laughs, children's activities and good, clean fun for the entire family. The game begins at 1 pm at Old James Stadium on the campus of WNMU, when Senator Siah Hemphill tosses the first pitch, following the singing of the national anthem by local musician Keana Huerta.
Burlesque baseball originated in Grant County in 1888 when the "all-male teams - the Fats" and the "Leans (also known as the "Slims") - donned creative costumes, and entertained the crowd with silly antics and outrageous game "rules."
For more information and to register for the event, please see the PDF below:
Western New Mexico University acknowledges the deep roots New Mexico shares with Mexico. The territory of New Mexico gained statehood in 1912, yet the people living in the border regions and beyond continue to be influenced by these roots in all aspects of culture-- art, food, music, language, and customs. As a Hispanic Serving Institution, WNMU and Fiesta Latina aim to highlight those connections by creating fun, engaging, educational experiences for folks living in or visiting the borderlands to enjoy.
See pdf flyer below for details
Give Grandly has provided a donation form for your convenience.
See below for pdf form
The 29 th Annual Silver City Blues Festival will take place over Memorial Day weekend May 24-26, at Gough Park in Silver City, NM. This year's festival will be back to a 3 DAY EVENT starting with our Friday Kick Off at local venues around Silver City and followed by 2 FREE days of Blues at the park! This event is supported by local businesses and individual blues lovers, and especially by donations from attendees!
The festival is pleased to present nine amazing performers including:
Kelli Baker Band: A powerful voice dripping with a haunting sensuality that slips easily into growling old school blues-tones. Kelli and her band's music is an amalgamation of authentic blues/rock and heart-on-her-sleeve singer/songwriter pop with folk/gospel roots.Felix Y Los Gatos is back again to get people dancing with that mix of Zydeco, Tex-Mex, Blues, Gypsy/Jazz, and Swing with a dash of Outlaw Country. Come hear the mesmerizing and mystical sound of Santana-style Latino Soul Blues.Silver City's Own, Illusion Band. A versatile and well-loved local group, playing a variety of music including Tejano, Country, Oldies, and for this event, Blues!
For 11 years Give Grandly! has created space to connect and celebrate community non-profits. This year, 65 nonprofit organizations will participate in our -- live and in-person! -- event Saturday, May 4, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Makers Market in downtown Silver City. Online donations are also available to allow all to contribute and show appreciation for the work being done by these vital organizations. Our online platform opened April 20th at www.givegrandly.org , to inaugurate a month of giving.
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