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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Local tourist information and events.
See invitation below to National Community Health Center Week at HMS in Silver City and Lordsburg August 6 and 8, 2024
The holiday celebration features music, food, children's activities, craft vendors and loads of family fun!Annual Fundraising Event Features Local Musicians, Crafts, Food and Fun!
Silver City -- The Silver City Museum's 40th annual July 4th Ice Cream Social happens on the holiday, Thursday, July 4th, 11 am - 4 pm, featuring local musicians, food and craft vendors, free children's activities, the ever-popular cake walk, and more. This annual celebration and fundraising event takes place in the beautifully shady and cool museum courtyard at 312 West Broadway. Admission is free.
The Horizon Band of Deming will perform at The Flame in Silver City to raise funds for the Silver City Museum. Band members (pictured left to right) are Craig Irwin, Kelly Fetrow, Mel Quarrell, Charlie Sera and his son, Steven Sera. All Proceeds to Benefit the Silver City Museum
Silver City -- Calling all dance lovers! The Silver City Museum Society presents the second annual "Diamonds and Denim Ball," Saturday, July 6, from 7:00 to 10:00 pm at The Flame, 2800 N. Pinos Altos Road in Silver City. The Horizon Band from Deming will play a variety of danceable music - country tunes from the 70s and 80s, a few contemporary country hits, along with rock and roll and Latin favorites.
Members of the band have deep roots in southwestern New Mexico. Craig Irwin is the band's rhythm guitarist and nephew of Meredith Neal from the band, Meredith Neal and The Bootheel Boys, a popular Western swing band that played regularly at the Murray Hotel from the 1950s through the 70s.
"We just love to get people dancing," said Irwin, whose mother, Dona Irwin, was New Mexico's District 32 state representative for 18 years. "That's what inspires us, is to see that crowd dancing and enjoying themselves."
Meredith Neal got Irwin out on stage at just 15 years old. Meredith's wife, Bobbie, and her sister Dona Irwin, both were born and raised in the H.B. Ailman House when it served as the town's fire station. Their home is now home to the Silver City Museum. The drummer of the Bootheel Boys was Inez Ybarra, Patsy Madrid's father. Patsy, the creative force behind this fundraising event, is the chairperson of the Silver City Museum Society's Fundraising Committee, and also serves as vice president of the Society's Board of Trustees.
2024 Silver City Independence Day Parade and Patriotic Freedom Festival.
See pdf flyers for events below
Cowgirls and cowboys with flags lead the annual parade. photo by David Thornburg
If you're longing for the Good Old Days, head to Glenwood for the 4th of July festivities. It starts with an old-fashioned 4th of July parade at 5 p.m. on the 4th, featuring local equestrian units, floats from area businesses and organizations and lots of Red, White and Blue.
This year's theme is Honoring the Centennial of the Gila Wilderness as well as God Bless America. Valera Hollimon is the Grand Marshall, representing the best of the Glenwood Tradition of Service to her community.
Saturday, July 20, 2024Â Â Â Â Â 6:00 - 10:00 pm
Gala in the Garden: The Art of Food
The Commons Center for Food Security and Sustainability
501 E 13th St., Silver City
Enjoy local food, beverage, live music, and a silent auction!Â
Join us for Grant County's annual 1st New Mexico Bank, Wild Wild West Rodeo on June 21 and 22! Held at the Southwest Horseman's Arena in Silver City off Highway 180 East, this exciting event is part of the Renegade Rodeo Series open rodeo by Casper Baca Rodeo Company.
Tickets will be available starting June 17th at Circle Heart Western Wear in Silver City. Grab yours early for just $10 in advance or $15 at the gate. Gates open at 5 pm, and the rodeo kicks off at 7 pm. Don't miss the opportunity to ride the Corre Caminos Shuttle from the Grant County Veterans Business and Conference Center for only $1 each way.
Tickets $10 and multiple showings. See pdf flyer below
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