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Virus Theater, known for its thought-provoking and emotionally resonant productions, invites audiences on a transformative journey with its latest play, Octopus Heart. This poignant yet playful production explores the depths of human emotions and the transformative power of healing. The compelling story centers around Octavia, a young woman battling the devastating effects of takotsubo syndrome, a medical condition also referred to as broken heart syndrome, and named after a Japanese pot used to catch octopuses.
Participants in last year's CLAY Festival work on their hand building skills in a workshop on the WNMU campus. This year's CLAY Festival happens July 22-28Western New Mexico University is once again one of the major sponsors of the Silver City CLAY Festival, the town's annual celebration of clay. Featured artists include Jaren Tso, Bede Clarke, Athena Steen, and Scott Sutton. Each of these artists will offer a class on a subject relevant to their body of work. There will also be activities for children at the WNMU Museum, exhibitions at area galleries, a Mata Ortiz demonstration and book signing at Silver City Museum, a Clay Market at the Murray Hotel, and a ceramics-themed brunch hosted by Bear Mountain Lodge. A full description of events can be found at https://clayfestival.com/ .
?July 22-28, 2024
Held at different locations, Western New Mexico University, Light Art Space, Made in Silver City, Whiskey Creek Zócalo, Bear Mountain Lodge, Murray Hotel, Diana Ingalls Leyba Studio and Gallery, Silver City Museum
Cobre Consolidated Schools Summerfest - see flyer below
Silver City, NM – July 16, 2024 – Community Partnership for Children (CPC) will host their 2nd September Spectacular Fundraiser on Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 8 AM to 4 PM at Bataan Memorial Park in Santa Clara, NM. This year's theme is Superhero Family Fit Fest, and all proceeds go to CPC's programs that support Grant County families and young children having access to early childcare and early child education at the highest standards.
Our event is packed with a variety of activities to suit all ages! We will have a Family Fun Run that is free for children ages 0 – 5. For those that want to challenge their inner Superhero, there will be race options: the Caped Crusader Fun Run, Hero Hustle 5K, and the Dragonfly Titan 10K Trek! For those who will be racing, check-in time begins at 7 AM. The 10K starts at 8AM and the 5K begins at 8:30AM.
Please join us for the regional water planning Open House for the Southwest New Mexico Region in Silver City, NM Tuesday July 23. Drop by anytime between 3– 7pm at Grant County Veteran's Memorial Business and Conference Center 3031 US-180, Silver City, NM 88061.
For those who cannot attend an in person Open House, Our Online Water Planning Open House, which provides the same input opportunities at an in-person event, is now live. Online input will be open from June 3- August 18th at www.MainStreamNM.org ? .
Thank you for your feedback and ensuring the success of this process!
See flyer below
Wednesday, August 28
Light Hall Theatre
J. Doyne Farmer is an American complex systems scientist and entrepreneur with interests in chaos theory, complexity and econophysics. Farmer will discuss his book, Making Sense of Chaos: A Better Economics for a Better World. The world's leading thinker on technological change, Farmer focuses on the question of how we can make sense of the data we have today to see what the world may look like tomorrow focusing on the global issues of sustainability, and the well being of people now and in the future.
Come listen to some great speakers, enjoy a delicious dinner with homemade desserts and other surprises.
See flyer below
Photo by David Thornburg "Thunderhead" by Dino Cornay (Pencil. horse/rider& thunderheads)Frisco Cowbelles art auction set for Saturday July 6
Glenwood's July 4th week is packed with events, including the Frisco Cowbelles fundraising auction. The auction begins at 7 p.m. on Saturday July 6 following the Cowbelles annual BBQ at Glenwood Community Park. There will be both a live auction and a silent auction. The art auction features work by well-known Western artists including Robert "Shoofly" Shufelt, Peter Hurd, JaNeil Anderson, Kathy Winkler and Olaf Weighorst. Proceeds provide money for ag scholarships and help fund the famous educational McKeen Ranch Days program where buses of school children arrive at the ranch to learn about agriculture and ranching.Photo by Cheryl Thornburg Hand-forged knives by Frank ChristensenOther featured artists are Muriel Delaplane, Wayne Baize, Dino Cornay, Lexi Antonick, Jerry Montoya, Frank Christensen, and Terri Duncan.
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