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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Local tourist information and events.
Save the Date for Gila Earth Day and Continental Divide Trail Days Festival set for April 20th in Gough Park
The Gila Resources Information Project (GRIP) and the Continental Divide Trail Coalition will hold the Gila Earth Day x Continental Divide Trail Days festival on Saturday, April 20th,
10 am -2 pm at Gough Park in Silver City.
For the third consecutive year, Gila Earth Day is partnering with Continental Divide Trail Days for an even grander celebration of the environment and our public lands. Over 50 organizations and businesses will gather to showcase their missions and offer planet-friendly products and services.
Gough Park in Silver City, NM
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Noon to 1:00 PM
You are invited to the 73rd National Day of Prayer. Tell your friends about this special event and bring the whole family!
For more information, email
Note: Seating will be available; however, we are expecting a large attendance. Please consider bringing your own chair.
Pictured are the model dressers with more than 100 fashions and accessories!The Tapestry of Talent Fiber Art Fashion show, a fundraiser for the SW Women's Fiber Arts Collective (SWFAC) features wearable fiber art and accessories. The fiber art fashions made by members of SWFAC showcase one-of-a-kind designs constructed especially for the event. The show will be held Saturday, April 6, 2024 with doors opening at 1:30 pm at the historic Silco Theater located at 311 N. Bullard St. in downtown Silver City. Funds raised by the event will go to support classes, outreach to the community, and sales events.
The Grant County Archaeological Society Will Hold a Special March 20, 2024, Event at the WNMU Museum Â
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 5:00PM (Mountain Daylight Saving Time, 4:00PM Arizona Time): the GCAS transforms our regular monthly meeting into a special hybrid in-person and online Zoom event to be held at the Western New Mexico University Museum at Fleming Hall in support of their curation of the Museum's historic documents and photo archives.
Our Featured Speaker is historian, award-winning author, and GCAS member Carolyn O'Bagy Davis. Carolyn, a fourth-generation descendant of Utah pioneers, has written 16 books on topics ranging from the history of archaeology to Southwestern history to quilting. Her book Hopi Summer was selected as OneBookArizona for 2011, and Desert Trader: The Life and Quilts of Goldie Tracy Richmond, was named one of the Best Books of the Southwest 2012. Carolyn is an inducted member of the Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame and the Society of Women Geographers; she was the founding president of the Tucson Quilters Guild and Old Pueblo Archaeology Center. An accomplished public speaker, she has appeared on HGTV, PBS, and Lifetime programs, and has curated many traveling museum exhibits including the current show: Willard Page: Artist on the Southwest Road, at the Fred Harvey Museum in Belen, New Mexico. Please join us as Carolyn introduces us to Hopi Quilts and Textiles as Cultural Artforms:
Landscape architect Steve Morgan will portray Aldo Leopold as the father of wildlife ecology and America's public lands and wilderness system at the Silver City Museum's Community ConversationSilver City -- The Silver City Museum and WILL (Western Institute for Lifelong Learning) will host a "Community Conversation with Aldo Leopold," on Thursday, March 7, from noon to 1:00 pm at the Besse Forward Global Resource Center on the campus of Western New Mexico University. This event is free, and part of the ongoing WILL Lunch and Learn series.
Landscape architect Steve Morgan will portray Aldo Leopold as the father of wildlife ecology and our national wilderness system. Leopold was a forester, philosopher, educator and writer. His book, A Sand County Almanac, is one of the most widely read on conservation. His words, written 100 years ago, are even more relevant today.
After this performance, Morgan will take questions from the audience, first in character as Aldo Leopold, then as an actor and Leopold expert, along with local historian Stephen Fox. This presentation coincides with the celebration of 100 years of the Gila National Wilderness, which was designated within the Gila National Forest in 1924. The Gila National Forest is now 125 years old. It was established as the Gila River Forest Reserve in 1899.
Linda Bluestone (L) Jim Charleston (R)"'Vanya & Sofia & Masha & Spike' by Christopher Durang, has been called wickedly, delightfully funny. And, Silver City Community Theatre (SCCT) will perform the 2013 Tony Award-winning play at El Sol Theater, March15-18, 22-24," according to Jim Charleston, SCCT Board Member, the production's Producer and lead character.
"What's more, SCCT is doing something new. We are pleased to announce that The Historic Murray Hotel and La Vie est un Bistro have joined with SCCT to offer a hotel, dinner, and theater package. It's a real bargain too, starting at just $129. For information and tickets, go to www.silvercitycommunitytheater.com .
Series host Alex Boylan (center) stands with a group of Mustangs during filming of "The College Tour: Mustang Edition," Nov. 10, 2023. The episode will premiere on campus Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 6:30 PM.WNMU to Host the World Premiere of "The College Tour: Mustang Edition"
Western New Mexico University will be hosting the premiere of an episode of the Amazon Prime TV series "The College Tour," filmed entirely in southwestern New Mexico and showcasing the WNMU campus, the town of Silver City, and the Gila National Forest. WNMU is the first university in New Mexico to be featured on the series, which is hosted by Alex Boylan.
Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike
Hotel-Dinner-Theatre Package available
At El Sol Theater, downtown Silver City, NM
Info & Tickets: https://www.silvercitycommunitytheater.com
See Flyer below:
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