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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}SILVER CITY, N.M. – Western New Mexico University Director of Golf Operations and Head Men's and Women's Coach, Kent Beatty, has announced his retirement.
For the last 27 years the newly titled, "Golf Coach Emeritus," Beatty has directed both the Men's and Women's Golf programs at WNMU and developed a system stressing that great golf, solid classroom performance, and learning people skills, will increase his players chances of success.
SILVER CITY, N.M. – Executive Director of Athletics, Scott Noble, has named Brenda Nichols to lead the Western New Mexico University Women's Basketball program as their new head coach.
"After an extensive search, we are excited to announce our new head women's basketball coach Brenda Nichols." Said Executive Director of Athletics, Scott Noble. "Coach Nichols brings not only great basketball experience at several levels, but also building winning programs. She has a rich history in the state of Texas and is very familiar with the Lone Star Conference. We are all excited for Coach Nichols to begin her tenure here at WNMU and the upcoming women's basketball season.
SILVER CITY, NM— The Western New Mexico University Board of Regents met on Monday, July 15, 2024, and presented their evaluation of university President Dr. Joseph Shepard for the 2024 fiscal year. They rated his performance as exceeding expectations and meeting the conditions of a retention bonus stipulated in President Shepard's contract.
Regent Vice Chair Lyndon Haviland provided an overview of the extensive review process and shared the board's conclusions. "We were unified in our assessment of Dr. Shepard," she said. "We collectively believe that in this time, Dr. Shepard has been extraordinary." The board also set performance objectives for the coming year.
Hidalgo Medical Services (HMS) is proud to announce we have been awarded the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) 330 Grant, for an additional three years of funding. HMS has been an HRSA 330 Grantee serving Hidalgo County, Grant County, and the region since 1995.
This grant is part of the Health Center Program, which supports nonprofit organizations providing primary healthcare services to medically underserved populations. The purpose of this funding opportunity is to ensure ongoing access to high-quality healthcare services for communities currently served by the Health Center Program. Established under Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act, the health center program allows the HRSA to provide grants to health centers. The Health Center Program is funded through a mix of discretionary funding allocated annually by Congress and mandatory funding from the Community Health Center Fund (CHCF).
Today the Gila Regional Medical Center Foundation held a picnic to honor hospital employees. All photos were taken by Ray Goellner. More photos below.
Here is a link to a video of the "last ride" for Clee Crumbley, featuring local semi trucks. This video was taken by Mr. Jessie Britton of Smokey J's Diesel in Arenas Valley.
The procession went from the Bataan memorial park parking lot to the Gila Cemetery in Cliff.
SILVER CITY, NM—Several WNMU students are enjoying the opportunity to study abroad this year. The university's study abroad programs offer opportunities for students to study a variety of subjects in countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica and Spain.
One student who has recently returned from studying in Mexico, Solomon Lazzell, said the program he was in was challenging but rewarding. At WNMU, Lazzell is studying nursing, but at Anáhuac University Cancún, he was in a medicine program. "It was a lot more difficult because I was dropped into a program for medicine students," he said. "That was very difficult. I had to work really hard to catch up."
CANTON, NY (07/11/2024)-- Hannah Crow from Cliff has been named to St. Lawrence University's Dean's List for achieving academic excellence during the Spring 2024 semester.
Crow is a member of the Class of 2024 and is majoring in philosophy. Crow attended Saint Vrain Online Global Academy.
To be eligible for the Dean's List, a student must have completed at least four courses and have an academic average of 3.6 based on a 4.0 scale for the semester.
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