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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Mick Rich will provide articles once or twice a week. Some will address New Mexico issues and some will talk about national issues.
Japan had zombie companies. NM has zombie programs. Both robbed their youngest generation of hope.
Japan's lost decade was defined as stagnant economic and population growth and decreased ranking among its peers. New Mexico has experienced the same with one exception: New Mexico is approaching two lost decades.
A Bright Future
The Republican Party now represents the hard-working people of America.
Saturday night, Biden got the message. End the campaign or be removed from office
In 1972, I registered as a Democrat because Democrats supported this country's working men and women. In 1982, after the Governor Anaya pay-to-play scandal, I changed my registration to Republican.
A Presidential debate is similar to individual sports events, where one major mistake can result in a loss. Jeffrey Julmis's dramatic fall on the first hurdle in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games gathered millions of views on YouTube. To everyone's surprise, President Ford announced in a Presidential debate that Eastern Europe was not under the control of the USSR. Â Jeffrey Julmis and Gerald Ford both lost their races.
President Biden's debate performance did not suffer from one major mistake but exposed the truth that Joe Biden no longer had the mental acuity to drive a car, let alone lead a country (why Special Council Hur did not pursue charges against Joe Biden). Had this been a boxing match, his coach would have thrown in the towel, but Joe Biden is the President, which would have thrown the country into a constitutional crisis. Would Congress then be forced to remove President Biden from office per the Twenty-fifth Amendment? Does anyone want Kamala Harris as President? Who will be the Democrat Nominee for President?
What do you think comes to mind?
 The May Senate Appropriations Committee hearing witnessed a tense interaction between Senator Heinrich and Secretary Haaland, a clear indication of the fracturing within the Santa Fe Democrats.
Why on Earth is there No Funding? Senator Heinrich (video)
In 2022, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and U.S. Representative Teresa Leger Fernández (D-N.M.) achieved a significant milestone with the signing of their bipartisan legislation, the Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony (STOP) Act, into law by President Joe Biden. This act, aimed at ending the trafficking of Native American artifacts, was a crucial step in protecting our cultural heritage.
From NM Dem Party Chair to the US Secretary of Interior. Deb Haaland, the First Native American to be Secretary of the Department of Interior
Deb Haaland graduated from the University of New Mexico in 1994 and earned her Juris Doctor in Indian Law from UNM School of Law in 2006. Her political journey includes serving as the vote director for the Obama campaign 2012, chairing the Native American Caucus of the Democrat Party of New Mexico from 2012 to 2013, and being Gary King's running mate for the Governor in 2014. She also was Chair of the New Mexico Democratic Party from April 2015 through April 2017. Â
Deb Haaland served on the Laguna Development Corporation board during the Louisiana Isle of Capri Casino debacle, during which the Laguna Pueblo lost twenty-six million dollars. When Pueblo elders realized they were gambling with Laguna's sovereignty. Despite Haaland not being able to practice law and possessing her JD in Indian Law, she should have known she was gambling with Laguna's sovereignty.
Can Heinrich's Achilles Tendon take him down?
New Mexico's Washington Democrat Senator Martin Heinrich misidentifies a bighorn sheep as an elk.
New Mexico Democrat leaders may look the same, but there are NM's Santa Fe Democrats and NM's Washington Democrats. They may have started out at the same place, but their power and money come from different sources, and they do not always get along, such as Martin Heinrich and Deb Haaland.
Washington Post, "Crime lab scandal, photo Marcio Jose Sanchez / AP.
 I have often reflected on a conversation I had with a buddy. I shared the articles I wrote with him and expected pushback, but I was surprised with his response; he told me he was supporting Trump. Then he explained, "Kamala Harris puts black men like me in prison." Carla Bell's editorial in the Miami Herald, "Black Americans should hold their adoration—Kamala Harris has done real damage." explains why.
 Shock and Awe
Murder mystery fans know. Guilty is who loads the bullet.
Can you tell which is the live round and which is the blank?
We have all watched countless action movies and murder mysteries in which actors are killed or wounded on film, not in real life. That is why it was so surprising that Halyna Hutchins was fatally shot, and director Joel Souza was injured on the set of Rust.
The Santa Fe Justice Department, the media, and Hollywood have reported that an irresponsible twenty-two-year-old Armorer and an angry old Hollywood actor behaving recklessly were responsible for the death and injury on the movie set. But are they?
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