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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}The items posted in this column are provided by George Taylor, a retired Border Patrol agent.
This is a powerful visual message for the American people , illegal aliens inside the United States, and those contemplating entering the United States illegally.
Message: The United States is serious about illegal immigration, if you are here illegally go home voluntarily with your belongings or we will send you home with the clothes on your back (as illustrated in the photograph). The message is universally understood and unequivocal.
Zack Taylor, Chairman
National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (Inactive)
Retired (16 years) County Republican Chairman
Santa Cruz County, Arizona
November 22, 2024
RE: Birthright Citizenship
The concept establishing that a child born in the United States to Illegal Alien Parents is at birth a United States Citizen is false. By all appearances it was at some point in our history created out of whole cloth and apparently perpetrated as truth from somewhere within the bowels of the executive branch of government, not congress. (or the Constitution and has lasted for at least fifty years that I am aware of.) Such child is, most likely, a citizen of the country of which his/her parents are citizens. Certainly not the United States.
The fact of the matter is that, removing a child born in the United States to illegal alien parents with those parents is maintaining the family unit rather than separating the family unit. This is a point that must be established as fact going forward. The issue now becomes how to establish the truth in the place of the existing false narrative or anticipated litigation.
Zack Taylor, Chairman
National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (Inactive)
Retired (16 years) County Republican Chairman
Santa Cruz County, Arizona
November 11, 2024
With firsthand experience in both the enforcement and political fields of the Illegal Immigration Problem in the United States, spanning about 40 years, I am seeking here to express some factors for consideration. Understanding four basic controlling points is important to internalize going forward.
First, the primary purpose of the Immigration Law is to protect the National Security and Public Safety of America and Americans. The Illegal Alien Invasion of America is an Act of Asymmetrical War.
Remember, Immigration is politics and politics is immigration translates into money for power, power for money and other parasites feeding at the public trough. Think DOGE.
Another lesson in where your tax money should not be going.
GOP Rep. Lance Gooden: The Federal Government Funds Migrant Smuggling
Nonprofits Fueling the Illegal Immigration Crisis -Capital Research Center
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