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On August 20, 2024 at 1549 hours, Officers were dispatched to the 1300 block of Alabama Street in reference to a female later identified as Marie A. Gonzales, with a gunshot wound to her upper left leg.
Initially, Marie was uncooperative and stated she had been shot and just needed to be transported to the hospital. Marie did not want to tell Officers anything about the incident.
The question on the front page of the ballot, which was the 25 million request, will raise everyone's property tax by 4.1 mils
For 2134 Against 1817
The question on the back of the ballot, which would have renewed the continuing general obligation bond of 2 mils for maintenance of schools, was defeated.
For 1707 Against 1774
By Roger Lanse
According to Silver City Police Department Chief Freddy Portillo, SCPD officers confirmed a female was shot in the leg by a male assailant, close to the Western New Mexico University campus, on Alabama Street near the intersection of Alabama and Gordon streets. The attack took place on Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024, at about 4 p.m. The male suspect has been identified but neither that information, nor the victim's name, is being released at this time. Portillo stated officers are actively searching for the male suspect. The victim was transported to Gila Regional Medical Center by EMS.
SILVER CITY, NM –A shooting occurred near the Western New Mexico University campus in Silver City on Thursday, August 20, 2024, causing the university to issue a shelter-in-place warning to students, faculty and staff. The shelter-in-place advisory has since been listed.
The suspects in the shooting are still at large and driving an older white Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme or similar model. One occupant has extensive face tattoos. If seen, the public is advised to dial 911 immediately. Do not approach this vehicle.
[Editor's Note: This is the eighth and final of a series of articles on the June 11, 2024 Commission meeting and the June 13 regular meeting. It continues and concludes the work session review of the regular meeting agenda and decisions made at that meeting.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
The June 11, 2024 Grant County Commission work session continued with the review of the June 13, 2024, regular meeting.
The discussion continued on the agreements, resolutions and bids and requests for proposal.
The next agreement considered the safety net care pool fourth quarter payment, which County Manager Charlene Webb noted comes before the commissioners every quarter and the payment comes from a gross receipts tax increment.
[Editor's Note: A final attempt to clear up some continuing confusion on the Silver Schools Bond issue ballot what is due in the clerk's office today before 7 p.m. If you have not returned it today, Aug. 20, 2024 is the deadline.]
The example calculations for the school bond increases published in the Grant County Beat on August 9, 2024 are unclear.
The first item was a 4.1 mil increase. Mil refers to the thousandths, so in actual numbers it is .0041. That was implicit in the example but confusing.
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